Real change, can not be achieved by any one person. It takes a fundamental change to how we view each other and the planet we all, call home!
By refocusing our priorities, back to one that focuses on family and community, rather than balance sheets.
We could finally end the scourge of planned obsolescence and focus on sustainability and longevity.
By escaping the manufactured hamster wheel of Buy, Fail, Replace. We could substantially reduce our energy consumption. While at the same time, improve the environment, reduce waste and free up time for family, friends and community based needs.
The Worlds environmental problem, is not one of Climate Change. The Worlds Climate has always changed, and hopefully, always will. Unless, were hit by another asteroid impact like the dinosaurs or solar flare!
The shocking truth, is we have a consumption and waste problem. Not because there needs to be, but due to the greed of corporations that like to only virtue signal environmental beliefs. If they wanted to do anything that would substantially benefit the environment, it would hurt their profit margins. How can you make another sale, if the last item does not fail?
The truth is, unless we reject the planned division and unite demanding real substantial change. We are headed for a dystopian future where we have no one left to complain to, except AI.
The natural balance of the world has been thrown off, due to unsustainable greed. The wellbeing of our planet and the people on it, has been jeprodised. For nothing more than 1’s and 0’s on a computer, somewhere.
The good news is, their plan only works with our compliance. All it takes, is for us to reject their division and work together. By working together and demanding change that benefits all, they don’t have sides to play off each other.
My hope, is that my desire to do things in a new kinder more sustainable way. Acts like a pebble being dropped into water. It’s not about the pebble, but the energy, frequency and vibration of the ripples and how far they reach.
If you would like to support my vision of doing thing in a more united, sustainable, cooperative way. Sign Up, and only if you are able to, there is the donation links, below.
Together, we can be the change the world needs! Thank you.
It’s time the world unites, for the greater good. Not just the profit margins of the few.